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This project has received funding from the European Union’s 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101023047.

Redefining socio-environmental struggles: contributions from indigenous women from the indigenous women from the Ecuadorian Amazon

The project
This research covers two main aspects: 1. indigenous women identities, their constructions and their manifestations in social relations; and 2. the perceptions as well as the reactions of indigenous women regarding the impacts of oil extraction. AWAREFOREST’s overarching objective is to study alternative onto-epistemologies formed through socio-environmental struggles, and its potential contribution to the creation of alternative knowledge about indigenous women identities and their territories, opening up space for more sustainable, equity and resilient views of the world. Browsing through the stories of struggles of indigenous women and using a research-action based metodology, the EU-funded AWAREFOREST project will examine the degree to which indigenous women from the Ecuadorian Amazon have responded during the last years to the aspirations of the anti-patriarchal, anti-colonial and post-extractivist imagined futures: of equity in accessing to land; promoting a plurality of knowledges; preserving environment, good-living and autonomy of their bodies and territories which have been silenced and absent in the dominant national, regional and global context.
Sofia Cevallos Vivar
Sofia Cevallos Vivar is a post-doctoral researcher (Marie Curie Fellowship awarded in 2021) at the University of Paris 8 Vincennes -Saint-Denis and the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences -FLACSO- Brazil. She obtained her PhD in Social Anthropology at the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences –EHESS-, Paris in 2019. Master in Anthropology by the same institution (2012) and Master in Contemporary Societies: Latin-American/Europe relations at the Institute of Higher Studies of Latin America –IHEAL- (2009). She has a Bachelor degree in Social Communication from the University of Cuenca- Ecuador (2008). She is also a member of the International Cooperative University LUCI, the Research Laboratory of social dynamics and recomposition of spaces -LADYSS- University of Paris 8, the Latin American College of Global Studies (FLACSO- Brazil) and the Research Group Justice and Indigenous peoples –JUSTIP- (EHESS, CNRS).

Cevallos, Sofia (2020) Extractivismo, pandemias y derechos colectivos: el caso de los pueblos indígenas del Yasuní (Amazonía ecuatoriana)
Lemos Igreja, Rebecca; Sierra, Maria Teresa; Dantas, Fernando. Rampin, Talita; Cevallos, Sofia. Interseccionalidade, Documentaçao e Violencias. Editorial Revista Abya Yala N°1 Vol. 5. Dossiê especial sobre Pluralismo Legal na América Latina em Tempos de Crise, em homenagem a André Hoekema, organizado por Elisa Cruz Rueda, Fátima El Fakih Rodríguez, Rosalva Aída Hernández Castillo e Esther Sánchez Botero.
Cevallos, Sofia y Yasacama, Zenaida (2022). Voces de mujeres indígenas amazónicas (entrevista). En https://zur.uy/voces-de-mujeres-indigenas-amazonicas/?fbclid=IwAR0UWHKR7W5ceJxqfVl69kO5lkqgH5HxrcC7GphRoZaxRZ2b1jIECYrQ7zY
Cevallos, Sofia (2023). Corpo-Territorio. Em Glossário para umas artes anti-coloniais. PerMaré project leaded by Fabian Vivar. https://permare.cargo.site/corpo-territorio
Cevallos Vivar, Sofia, 2022, Consultas previas y resolución de conflictos territoriales en el marco del pluralismo jurídico: el caso de los Kichwa del Parque Yasuní (Amazonía ecuatoriana). Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo - 1991), 31(1), e186549. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9133.v31i1pe186549
Kichwa Women of the Ecuadorian Amazon against extractivism: memories, perspectives and the collective fight for rights.
Cevallos, Sofia. (forthcoming). Kichwa Women of the Ecuadorian Amazon against extractivism: memories, perspectives and the collective fight for rights. Gender and Society. Journal of Sociologists for Women in Society.
Pachakutik y la subversión del Estado ecuatoriano: Pueblos indígenas, patrimonio y Plurinación
Cevallos, Sofia and Cevallos, Fabian (forthcoming). Pachakutik y la subversión del Estado ecuatoriano: Pueblos indígenas, patrimonio y Plurinación. Revista Mana: Studies of Social Anthropology. Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology of the Museu Nacional of Rio de Janeiro.